PUBLICATIONS Swenson's Google Scholar page
(*indicates advisee; authors in order of effort, unless otherwise noted)
(*indicates advisee; authors in order of effort, unless otherwise noted)
- Qiu, T., A. Bell, J. J. Swenson, and J. S. Clark. 2023. Habitat-trait interactions that control response to climate change: North American ground beetles (Carabidae). Global Ecology and Biogeography in press.
- Shaffer-Smith et al. 2022. Tracking a blue wave of ephemeral water across arid southern Africa. Environmental Research Letters
- Clark et al. 2021. Continent-wide tree fecundity driven by indirect climate effects. Nature Communications.
- Lantos, P, Tsao, J., Janko, M, Arab, A, E. von Fricken, M, Auwaerter, PG, Nigrovic, LE, Fowler, V, Ruffin, F, Gaines, G, Swenson, JJ. 2021. Environmental correlates of Lyme disease emergence in Southwest Virginia, 2005-2014. Journal of Medical Entomology
- Sharma, S., Andrus, R., Bergeronman, Y… Swenson, JJ … . Clark, JS. 2021. North American tree migration paced by climate in the West, lagging in the East. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119(3).
- Qiu, T, Aravena, MC, Andrus, R, … Swenson, JJ … Clark, JS. 2021. Is there tree senescence? The fecundity evidence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(34).
- Clark, JS, Andrus, R, Aubry-Kientz, M, … Swenson, JJ … Zlotin, R. 2021. Continent-wide tree fecundity driven by indirect climate effects. Nature Communications.
- Smart, LS, Taillie, PJ, Poulter, B, Vukomanovic, J, Singh, KK, Swenson, JJ, Mitasova, H, Smith, JW, Meentemeyer, RK. 2020. Aboveground carbon loss associated with the spread of ghost forests as sea levels rise Environmental Research Letters
- Al-Yaari, A, Wigneron, JP, Ciais, P, Reichstein, M, Ballantyne, A, Ogée, J, Ducharne, A, Swenson, JJ, Frappart, F, Fan, L, Wingate, L, Li, X, Knapp, A, 2020. Asymmetric responses of ecosystem productivity to rainfall anomalies vary inversely with mean annual rainfall over the conterminous U.S Global Change Biology
- Li, A, A Al-Yaari, M Schwank, L Fan, F Frappart, JJ Swenson, JP Wigneron 2020 Compared performances of SMOS-IC soil moisture and vegetation optical depth retrievals based on Tau-Omega and Two-Stream microwave emission models. Remote Sensing of Environment
- Walker*, N., Shaffer-Smith, D., Swenson, J.J., Urban, D. 2019. Improved connectivity analysis using multiple low-cost paths to evaluate habitat for the endangered San Martin titi monkey (Plecturocebus oenanthe) in north-central Peru. Landscape Ecology.
- Fan, L. Al-Yaari, A. Frappart, F. Swenson, J.J., Xiao, Q. Wen, J. Jin, R. Kang, J., Li, X. Fernandez-Moran, R., J.-P. Wigneron. 2019. Mapping soil moisture at high-resolution over mountainous regions by integrating in situ measurements, topography data and MODIS land surface temperatures. Remote Sensing.
- Panlasigui, S.*, Rico1, J., Pfaff, A., Swenson, J.J., Loucks, C. 2018. Impacts of Forest Certification and Protected Areas on Forest Loss in Cameroon – 2000-2013. Biological Conservation.
- Gray, P, Ridge, J., Poulin, S., Seymour, A., Schwantes, A., Swenson, JJ., Johnston, D. 2018 Drone Imagery Enhances Classification of High Resolution Satellite Imagery to Track Habitat Change in an Estuarine Environment. Remote Sensing.
- Schwantes*, A.M.; Parolari, A.; Swenson, J.J; Johnson, D; Domec, J.C.; Jackson, R. Pelak, N.; Porporato, A. 2018 Accounting for landscape heterogeneity improves spatial predictions of tree vulnerability to drought. New Phytologist.
- Schaffer-Smith*, D., Swenson, J.J., Reiter, M.E., & Isola, J.E. 2018 Quantifying shorebird habitat in managed wetlands by modeling shallow water depth dynamics. Ecological Applications. open access provided by NASA
- Seyednasrollah, B, Swenson, JJ, Domec, JC, Clark, JS. 2018. Phenology paradox: why warming matters most where it is already warm. Remote Sensing of Environment.
- Johnson, D.; Domec, J.C.; Schwantes, A.M.; Woodruff, D.R.; McCulloh, K.A.; Wortemann, R.; Swenson, J.J., Jackson, R.B. 2018 Drought-induced mortality, vulnerability to embolism, hydraulic capacitance and stomatal sensitivity in four co-occurring tree species in central Texas, USA. Plant Cell & Environment
- Terborgh, J.W., Davenport, L.C., Belcon, A., Katul, G., Swenson, J.J., Fritz, S.C., Baker, P.A. 2017 Twenty-three Year Timeline of Ecological Stable States and Regime Shifts in Amazon Oxbow Lakes based on Satellite Observations. Hydrobiologia
- Schwantes*, A.; Swenson, J; González-Roglich, M; Johnson, D; Domec, J.C.; Jackson, R.. 2017 Measuring canopy loss and climatic thresholds from an extreme drought along a fivefold precipitation gradient across Texas Global Change Biology
- Austin, K.G., González-Roglich, M., Schaffer-Smith, D., Schwantes, A.M, Swenson, J.J. 2017. Trends in size of tropical deforestation events signal increasing dominance of industrial-scale drivers. DATA Environmental Research Letters (authors in alpha order)
- Schaffer-Smith*, D., Swenson, J.J., Barbaree, B., Reiter, B. 2017 Three decades of Landsat-derived spring surface water dynamics in an agricultural wetland mosaic; implications for migratory shorebirds. Remote Sensing of Environment.
- Schwantes*, A.M., Swenson, J.J. & Jackson, R.B. 2016 Quantifying Drought-Induced Tree Mortality in the Open Canopy Woodlands of Central Texas. Remote Sensing of Environment
- Schaffer-Smith*, D., Swenson, J.J., & Boveda, A. 2016. Habitat connectivity and conservation options for a critically endangered Peruvian primate. Environmental Conservation
- Gonzalez-Roglich*, M., & Swenson, J.J. 2016. Tree cover and carbon mapping of Argentine savannas: Scaling from field to region. Remote Sensing of Environment
- Panlasigui, S.*, Rico-Straffon, J., Swenson, J.J. Loucks, CJ, Pfaff, A. 2015. Early Days in the Certification of Logging Concessions: Estimating FSC’s Deforestation Impact in Peru and Cameroon. Nicholas Institute Working Paper EE 15-05.
- Gonzalez-Roglich*, M., Swenson, J.J., Villarreal, D., Jobbágy, E.G., Jackson, R.B. 2015. Woody plant-cover dynamics in Argentine savannas from the 1880s to 2000s: the interplay of encroachment and agriculture conversion at varying scales. Ecosystems.
- McDowell, N.; Coops, N., Beck, P., Chambers, J.; Gangodagamage, C.; Hicke, J.A; Huang, C.; Kennedy, R.; Krofcheck, D.; Litvak, M.; Meddens, A.; Muss; J.; Negron-Juarez, R.; Peng,C.; Schwantes, A.; Swenson, J.J.; Vernon, L.; Williams, A.P.; Xu, C.; Zhao, M.; Running, S.; Allen, C. 2015. Global satellite monitoring of climate-induced vegetation disturbances. Trends in Plant Science
- Gonzalez-Roglich*, M., Swenson, J.J., Jobbágy, E.G., Jackson, R.B. 2014. Shifting carbon pools along a woody plant gradient in encroached Argentine savannas. Forest Ecology & Management 311:71-78.
- Riegel*, J.B., Bernhardt, E., Swenson, J.J. 2013. Estimating above-ground carbon biomass in a newly restored coastal plain wetland using remote sensing. PLoSONE
- Swenson, J.J., Young, B. et al. 2012. Plant and animal endemism in the eastern Andean slope: Challenges to conservation. BMC Ecology- [Open Access] PDF 12:1 doi:10.1186/1472-6785-12-1; Supplemental files. News Coverage on this story
- Smart*, L., Swenson, J.J., Christensen, N., Sexton, J.O. 2012. Three-dimensional characterization of pine forest type and red-cockaded woodpecker habitat by small-footprint, discrete-return lidar. Forest Ecology & Management Volume 281:100–110 Online
- Domec, J.C., G Sun, A. Noormets, M. Gavazzi, E.Treasure, E. Cohen, J.J. Swenson, S. McNulty, J. King, 2012. Water flux components and their responses to drought in two intensively managed coastal plain loblolly pine forests: method comparisons. Forest Science 58: 497-512. Online
- Swenson, J.J., Carter, C., Domec, J.C., Delgado, C., 2011. Gold Mining in the Peruvian Amazon: Global Prices, Deforestation, and Mercury Imports. PloS One. Online News Coverage on this story
- Sexton, J.O, Bax, T., P. Siqueira, J.J. Swenson, S. Hensley, 2009. A comparison of LiDAR, radar, and field measurements for estimating canopy height in pine and hardwood forests of southeastern North America. Forest Ecology & Management 257:.1136-1147. PDF
- Olander, L., Gibbs, H., Steininger, M., Swenson, J.J., Murray, B., 2008. Reference scenarios for deforestation and forest degradation in support of REDD: a review of data and methods. Environmental Research Letters 3:025011 . Online
- Hernandez, P. A., Franke, I., Herzog, S. K., Pacheco, V., Paniagua, L., Quintana, H. L., Soto H., A., Swenson, J. J., Tovar, C., Valqui, T. H., Vargas M., J. and Young, B. E. 2008. Predicting species distributions in poorly-studied landscapes. Biodiversity and Conservation 17(6):1353-1366.PDF
- Chiriboga, D.S., Swenson, J.J., Rodriguez, F. 2008. A experiência de uma organização de conservação com o manejo de sistemas de informações geográficas no Equador. [Experiences of a conservation organization with the use of geographic information systems in Ecuador] Moran E. & Batistella (eds.) Geo-information and Environmental Monitoring in Latin America. Editora Senac: São Paulo, Brazil.
- Swenson, J.J. and R.H. Waring. 2006. Modeled photosynthesis predicts woody plant richness at three geographic scales across northwestern USA. Global Ecology and Biogeography 15(5): 470-485.
- Alig, R., Lewis, D.J., and Swenson, J.J. 2005. Is forest fragmentation driven by the spatial configuration of land quality? The case of western Oregon. Forest Ecology & Management 217: 266-274. PDF
- Swenson, J.J., R.H. Waring, N. Coops and W. Fan. 2005. Estimation of forest productivity across the Pacific and Inland Northwest with a physiologically based process model, 3-PG. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 35:1697-1707.
- Butler, B.J., J.J. Swenson, and R. Alig. 2004. Forest Fragmentation in the Pacific Northwest: Quantification and Correlations. Forest Ecology & Management 189:363-373. PDF
- Swenson, J.J. and J.F Franklin. 2000. The effects of future urban development on habitat fragmentation in the Santa Monica Mountains. Landscape Ecology 15(8):713-730. PDF